Company Products
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Winter Cereal Crops
Apply 2-3 bags per acre of 0-10-20 of sowing time followed by Nitrogen top dressing in early March and again in early April.
The amount of Nitrogen will depend on the previous cropping history of the field and the crop in question and so may vary from 60 units of Nitrogen to 150 units of Nitrogen.
Some growers apply no P&K in the Autumn and put on a N-P-K compound in early February/early March.
They use either 4 bags of 10-10-20 or 3 to 3.5 bags of 14-7-14 with added Sulphur or 3.5 bags of 10-5-25 (For low Potash situations)
This system means that the 1st Nitrogen is automatically put on with the P&K so there is only need then for 1 more dressing with Nitrogen in early April.
Spring Cereal Crops
3 to 4 bags per acre of either:
At sowing time and top up with a top dressing of Nitrogen to suit the crops needs after that.