Grazing Area:

The Autumn Menu
Apply 1.5 -2 bags of 0-10-20 per acre, depending on soil fertility and follow up in the Springtime with 1.5 bags of Net Nitrate.
Further top dressing of 1.5 bags of Net Nitrate per acre may be required depending on Stocking Rate, to keep up a good supply of grass during the year.
NOTE: Topper Urea may replace Net Nitrate early in the season.�

The Spring Menu
Apply 2.5 to 3 bags per acre of either 18-6-12, 10-10-20, 14-7-14 or 16-4-20 in early Spring and follow up the top dressing of 1.5 bags of Net Nitrate per acre as often as required during the grazing season to provide adequate grass.
The Alternative Menu
Apply 2 bags per acre of Pasture Sward 27-2.5-5� in early Spring and apply 1 to 1.5 bags after each grazing thereafter during the grazing season.
Apply 2 bags per acre of Pasture Sward in early Spring and later on-May-June apply 2 bags per acre of� 19-0-15� (Leifi Boost).
This procedure may reduce the risk of Grass Tetany as the P & K are put out at different times.

All the recommendations in this web-site are based on average soil types and conditions. Contact your� Agricultural� advisor and do a soil� analysis� test for more exact� information� on your fertilizer� requirements. Grassland Fertilizers (Kilkenny)� Ltd. will not accept liability for any lose or claim arising from recommendations� laid� down on this web-site.
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